What's VOIP?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and it serves as an alternative, less-expensive way of making phone calls. Hyper30 Data offers VoIP technology to help businesses significantly cut down communication costs while also adding features that help employees communicate effectively across the board. This service helps improve the quality and efficiency of communication between businesses and customers.

Internet-Based Communication:

Allows voice calls to be transmitted over the internet instead of traditional telephone lines. It converts voice signals into data packets that can be transmitted over IP networks.


Typically offers lower costs compared to traditional phone services, especially for long-distance and international calls, as it utilizes existing internet connections rather than dedicated phone lines.

Flexibility and Mobility:

Services are accessible from any location with an internet connection, enabling users to make and receive calls using various devices, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and IP desk phones.

Process of VOIP

VoIP implementation is a methodical process that our team at Hyper30 Data assesses carefully.

Before embedding VoIP services, Hyper30 Data completes an extensive assessment that examines hardware, fault tolerance, inbound and outbound calling, PBX functionality and possibilities for add-on features. Additional functions that may be included with VoIP include voicemail integration, phone-to-phone intercom, conferencing, call queuing and more.

VoIP phone systems are generally designed to take up a high level of bandwidth that allows clients to download and upload a large amount of data at the same time.

VOIP Service

There are various types of equipment that can be used to install VoIP phone systems. Our team of experts at Hyper30 Data are trained to help clients choose the right combination of equipment and services that will benefit their particular needs. We also make sure that VoIP services are highly secured against tampering and cyber attacks. If VoIP services are not secure, clients could risk having hackers possibly infiltrate and intercept phone data. These risks are not to be taken lightly as they could have serious consequences for any business.

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